Crowd Center In Jayapura Closed On New Year's Eve

JAKARTa - The Jayapura City Government and the Jayapura City Police will close down a number of crowd centers ahead of New Year's Eve, Thursday 31 December, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 considering that the local area is still a red zone for the transmission of the new type of corona virus.

Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano stated that a number of areas will be closed, namely the Dok II governorate office, Ruko Pasifik, Hamadi Beach, Youtefa Bridge, Ciberi Beach, Holtekam, and Abe Circle.

"I hope the community does not hold celebrations that involve large crowds," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 31.

He asked the public to obey the appeal by praying more and gathering with family on New Year's Eve.

If there are people who continue to celebrate and gather, he said, they will be dealt with firmly and disbanded by joint officers.

The Jayapura City Police Chief AKBP Gustav Urbinas separately stated that the police would not issue crowd permits and apply the Chief of Police's Declaration regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Members will be on patrol to ensure there are no crowds," he said.

Data from the Jayapura City COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Task Force, as of Wednesday (11/30), recorded 6,116 positive people, 5,738 of whom recovered and 103 people died, and 275 people were treated.