Don't Forget, New Year's Eve Operational Hours Of Tourist Attractions In Jogja Closed At 18.00 WIB

YOGYAKARTA - Sedulur and tourists who are on vacation to enjoy the New Year, don't forget this rule.

The Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) has decided to limit the operating hours of tourist attractions on New Year's Eve. The goal is to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

From the DIY Provincial Government's decree quoted by VOI, Wednesday, December 30, the DIY Provincial Government held a coordination meeting at the Regional Police. Meeting with the DIY COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency and Bantul Regency.

"So to anticipate crowds in carrying out the New Year 2021 celebration at tourist objects, it is necessary to limit the operating hours of tourist objects on Thursday 31 December until 18.00 WIB," said the Yogyakarta Provincial Government's decree.

Therefore, each regency can carry out the closure according to the results of the meeting referred to and in its implementation to coordinate with the Police-TNI.

Previously, Yogyakarta's COVID-19 Handling Task Force Coordinator Noviar Rahmad said the policy to close operational tourist destinations was carried out in 30 tourist destinations, both beaches and other types of destinations scattered in Bantul, Kulon Progo, Sleman and Gunung Kidul districts.

"The Yogyakarta City Government has a different attitude, which is to keep operating tourist destinations by implementing health protocols," said Noviar who is also the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol) PP DIY.