Puncak Cianjur Road Closed Tomorrow Starting At 18.00 WIB

CIANJUR - The police closed the Puncak-Cianjur route, West Java, to be precise starting from the Gentur Lamp Monument. The closure will be carried out at 18.00 WIB 31 December 2020 to 1 January, in an effort to anticipate the increase in vehicle volume to the Puncak-Cipanas area.

Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Mochamad Rifai said that during the closure of all types of vehicles, whether motorbikes or cars, they could no longer drive from the Gentur-By Pass Cianjur Light Monument to the Puncak area.

"Only residents who live along the Puncak-Cipanas route can pass by showing their ID cards. For newcomers or residents who want to celebrate New Year's Eve, they are not allowed to pass and will be directed to return to their respective homes," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 30 December.

As restrictions were imposed during the pandemic, the police will not allow any form of activity to be held during New Year's Eve. All activities that can invite a crowd due to the susceptibility to transmission of COVID-19 are prohibited.

The police emphasized that AKBP Rifai would disperse all activities that could invite a crowd, including fireworks, which is prohibited this year and for violators will be subject to strict sanctions to criminal.

"We do not allow any event that can invite a crowd, we urge people to celebrate the New Year in their respective homes, not to leave the house and to pray more so that our country is free from Corona," he said.

Meanwhile, Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman has ordered the task force to intensify raids and patrols to a number of crowded places.

"We also require tourists or newcomers who want to have a vacation in Cianjur, must bring a COVID-19 antigen-free certificate. For those who cannot show the letter, they will be asked to return to their respective hometowns," he said.