BOPM: Clinical Trial Of COVID-19 Vaccine For The Elderly Conducted

JAKARTA - The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) opens up great opportunities for the elderly (elderly) to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Head of BPOM Penny Lukito said, currently a phase two clinical trial specifically for the elderly is being carried out. The vaccine is Sinovac which comes from China.

"This vaccine is currently being carried out in phase two for the elderly. We are waiting for the data that is being carried out in Brazil and in China itself, there is phase 2," said Penny in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, December 30.

Penny said, if BPOM has received the results of phase 2 and 3 clinical trials from the two countries, BPOM will conduct its own analysis. If the analysis shows that the Sinovac vaccine is safe for the elderly, then an emergency permit will be issued.

"Later, when it shows safe data, an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) will be issued specifically for another age period, in this case the elderly. If it is there, of course it can be given to the elderly," explained Penny.

Previously, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the government would gradually administer the COVID-19 vaccine to the public and start with health workers first.

"The first stage that will be carried out is vaccination to health workers or health workers. In Indonesia there are 1.3 million people in 34 provinces. The plan will be carried out within a period of one to three months," said Budi.

In the second phase, the vaccine will be given to public officials, which number reached 17.4 million people.

Next, the COVID-19 vaccination will be given to people with an age range over 60 years or the elderly whose number reaches 21.5 million and finally, then the vaccine will be given to the general public.

It's just that, regarding vaccines for the elderly, he said, it still needs time to put it into effect. Especially at this time, the third stage clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine from Sinovac in Bandung was only carried out on people aged 18-59 years.

However, he explained that currently Sinovac is also conducting clinical trials of vaccines against age groups over 60 years in Turkey and Brazil.

To further determine whether or not elderly groups are included in the priority for vaccine recipients, his party will hold further discussions with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to coordinate before a final decision is made.

"After there is confirmation from BPOM that this vaccine can be used by the elderly, enter (vaccination, ed) into the elderly," he said.