Safe To Use, These Are 5 Natural Materials Used For Face Skin Care

JAKARTA - The world of beauty is currently filled with high-tech devices and new ingredients that function to maximize facial skin care. Unfortunately, this treatment is not necessarily suitable for addressing all skin problems. In some cases, the option of using simple natural ingredients can be as effective as the use of more up-to-date skincare products.

Launching WebMD, Tuesday, January 24, VOI shares what natural ingredients you can use for facial treatments.

Research has proven that the use of plant-based fat is able to hydrate the skin. Even recent studies have found that the virin coconut oil or pure coconut oil can suppress several body inflammatory agents while forming better skin barriers.

"Many people use coconut oil products to help fight dry skin, itching, and skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis," said milik Naversen Geraghty, MD, dermatologist at Medford.

The ancient dish, which is often used in Asian cuisine, is now part of modern skin care because it can cure acne scars. The chemicals in this plant can increase blood supply to the scar area and strengthen the skin. Combination of amino acids, beta-carroene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals help speed up the healing time of acne scars.

Regular consumption of green tea is believed to be able to improve health quality for years. Even, it is the same when it is used as a skincare product. Green tea has great benefits in terms of photoprotection and anti-aging skin," said Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist in Montclair, New Jersey.

Polifenol in green tea has antioxidant properties and smoothes which helps care for damaged skin from sunlight. And offer a way to overcome signs of damage caused by sunlight.

Soybeans contain various plant-based chemicals that have an impact on the skin. Among them are antioxidants, fatty acids, and isoflavons. Legum also produces estrogen or phytoestrogen that overcomes the skin conditions caused by menopaus.

Herbal oils from tea tree leaves function as antimicrobials and anti-inflammatorys that combat various germs, fungi, and bacteria. Because of this nature, it is not surprising that tea tree oil can reduce inflamed acne, remove stains, and treat breakouts.