Ask Citizens To Not Damage To The Kalibaru Beach Embankment, Heru Budi: We Are No Cost, It's ImPOSible To Restore

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono inspected the location of the coastal embankment on Jalan Pelabuhan Kalibaru, Cilincing, North Jakarta. The embankment was only completed in early January 2023.Heru said the government would continue to build coastal embankments and sea embankments as part of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) project."Today the place we are standing on, the Kalibaru embankment is 3.5 kilometers long and will continue," Heru said at the location, Friday, January 20.The head of the Presidential Secretariat hopes that the coastal embankment in Kalibaru can prevent tidal flooding in residential areas. "With this, around Cilincing and other areas there will be no more sea water seepage," said Heru.Heru then asked the public and regional officials in Kalibaru to take care of the embankment so that it could still function and not damage it.Because, according to him, the government cannot rebuild the damaged coastal embankment of Jakarta and replace it with a new embankment."I entrust it to the people here, to the Camat, Pak Lurah, and Pak Kapolsek, the embankment is guarded because it is impossible for the local government and the central government to rebuild if this is damaged or damaged by other things. It is impossible. We are no longer expensive. The local government must concentrate in other areas," explained Heru.For information, the embankment in Kalibaru was completed in early January 2023. The coastal embankment as an effort to control sea level rise and prevent tidal flooding to residential areas stands for 3.2 kilometers.To note, the total length of the route from the coastal safety embankment that enters phase A of the NCICD is 46 kilometers. Of these, 13 kilometers have been built and 33.548 km have not been built.Of the number that has not been built, the 11 kilometers will be the duty of the Ministry of PUPR and 22 kilometers will be the duty of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Pelindo. The DKI Provincial Government targets the completion of the coastal embankment in 2027.