Confiscated By The State, The Government Has Difficulty Selling Tommy Suharto's Assets And Jiwasraya

JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) stated that there were several obstacles in carrying out the auction of state confiscated goods throughout 2022.

Director of Auction for DJKN Kemenkeu Joko Prihanto said the challenges that were often faced were caused by the high nominal value of goods.

"Usually the jumbo ones are rather difficult to sell, such as the auction of Tommy Suharto's assets (ex. BLBI) and Jiwasraya's assets. The two assets are worth trillions," he told reporters on Friday, January 20.

According to Joko, there are also jumbo assets whose value is also quite large and experiencing the same thing, even though they do not penetrate trillions.

"PT Tossa's assets, which are in bankruptcy in Pekalongan, Central Java, have been auctioned six times for IDR 500 billion, not selling well," he said.

Furthermore, Joko detailed Jiwasraya's unsold assets in the form of stocks. While several other items such as heavy equipment, the ship has managed to find a buyer.

For heavy equipment to run out of approximately Rp. 9 billion, only shares have not been sold. So there are two packages. This is the Jiwasraya auction for the first time we have done it, we will hold a re-auction later. The Jiwasraya limit is IDR 3.48 trillion," he said.

Meanwhile, Tommy Suharto's assets, which were auctioned, reached IDR 2.4 trillion, which was divided into 4 plots of land in the Mandala Putra, Bawuan, Cikampek, Karawang, West Java industrial area.