The Impact Of The Opening Of PPKM, Vihara Nimmala Boen San Bio Tangerang Predicts The Arrival Of 1200 People

TANGERANG - The Vihara Nimmala Foundation, Boen San Bio, Tangerang City, predicts that on this year's Chinese New Year there will be 1200 people. This number increased because the government had lifted the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"The total is predicted to be around 800-1200 people," said the General Chairperson of the Vihara Nimmala Foundation, Boen San Bio, Tangerang City, Yuliyu when met at the location, Friday, January 20.

Even visitors who come do not only come from the Tangerang area, but also from various regions. In order for the arrival of the congregation to be comfortable, the foundation has prepared parking bags.

"The Chinese New Year's enthusiasm is very high, that's why we maximized the possibility of this Chinese New Year event, we prepared a parking bag," he concluded.

Based on VOI's monitoring, there are many lanterns and llilinnes installed in the historic temple.