Characteristics Of Damaged Motherboard: Do Some These Steps To EnsURE It

YOGYAKARTA - Computer motherboard connects all components to one, and if it fails, your computer may become useless. Let's learn the characteristics of the damaged motherboard!

If for some reason, your PC acts like it suddenly freezes, not detecting components installed or not wanting to live at all. Then there are many causes involved and the motherboard is one of them.

There are certain signs that can indicate that your motherboard is faulty or misconfigured.

For example, if your system is jammed and slow without any other plausible causes, it could show bad motherboard settings. On the other hand, if your system doesn't even turn on even if it's connected to a power supply unit, it could indicate a hardware problem on the motherboard.

Signs of visible damage could mean that part is bad, so you should pay attention to it. In addition, if your motherboard is equipped with an LED light that shows the status or speaker of the code bid, you can use it to understand the cause of the problem.

Sometimes, the motherboard may look bad, but the real cause could be a misconfiguration item or a bad connection between components.

In the following text I will talk in detail about how to tell if your motherboard is broken.

How to Say If Motherboard is Damaged or Dead?

The clear characteristic is that if we find out that Motherboard is problematic or damaged, our PC or Laptop performance will get worse and slower. Well, take a few steps so you can confirm it.

If you believe the problem is not on the misconfiguration motherboard, then there are seven ways to check if the motherboard is damaged or off.

Find All Components except the Power Supply Unit

The first action is to check if the problem is on a motherboard or with a connected component.

For this, release all components, namely CPU, RAM, Hard Disk or other connected peripheral devices such as keyboards, USB drives, etc.

You want to test the bench for this; it means remove the motherboard from the PC casing and place it on anti-static material.

Dip the Power Supply cable on the motherboard and turn it on by jumping over the power ON pin on the front panel Header motherboard.

If the motherboard turns on and shows signs of life by shining lights or creating a bi-code then it can show that your motherboard is actually not dead and that the problem may lie in one of the connected components.

Check CMOS Battery

Often cause the motherboard to die as simple as the CMOS battery to die.

CMOS battery is responsible for turning on the BIOS. It maintains system settings even when you turn off your PC.

When the CMOS battery died, the motherboard became inoperable.

However, this is very easy to fix. Find the CMOS battery on your motherboard (it's quite difficult to miss) and replace it with the corresponding coin battery.

Check Whether Motherboard Plays POSTs on the Screen

Some motherboards when turned on, display POST screens.

Power-On Self-Test (POST) was the earliest test the motherboard did to check if all the hardware and sub-components were done and functioning properly.

If an error is detected in one of the important components such as the CPU, RAM, hard disk or even the motherboard itself, the POST screen may display a problem highlighting the location of the problem.

Important Points to Record

For starters, if your motherboard performs POST functions and actually displays them on the screen, then most likely the motherboard is working well.

Dead motherboards often don't show screens at all.

Also, if you don't have a CPU installed on your motherboard or if it turns out to be a bad CPU, then no POST screen will be displayed because the CPU powers the video output port on the motherboard. WITHOUT CPU= NO GPU=TANPA view

Check LED POST and Speaker Code Bike

Some motherboards are equipped with an LED status that secretes various error codes as the system experiences problems.

Bip Code Talks

If your motherboard doesn't display the POST screen on the motherboard, it might generate the POST function Bip Code to show where the problem lies.

Many motherboards are equipped with built-in bi-code speakers. Often a bi-code speaker is found with PC chassis. If your system is not equipped with a bi-code speaker, you can buy it from the IT store.

If the POST function identifies any problem with the hardware, it will generate a bi-noise code. The amount of bibit sound it makes shows where the problem lies. So for example

LED indicators

LED indicators are used on multiple motherboards to show the status of various components. The number of LEDs and what they represent will depend on the design of each manufacturer.

You should refer to your motherboard manual to understand what the LED lights need.

Check Your Motherboard with the Second Component Set

One very radical approach you can take is to test your motherboard with a set of CPUs, RAMs, Hard Disks, and other Catu Daya Units.

If the problem persists, then the problem will definitely lie to the motherboard itself.

Change Power Supply Unit

If your motherboard shows no indication of turning on at all, then the problem may lie in the power supply unit.

So just to verify this feeling, test the motherboard with the Power Supply Unit backup.

If the motherboard doesn't turn on or if it doesn't show signs of life even after replacing the Catu Daya Unit, then it can show further that the problem lies with the motherboard.

Check Physical Signs of Damage

Physical damage can be caused by anything from poor handling to accidental electrical spikes. And, in the worst case, it can damage your motherboard.

Check if there is a kink or broken

Even the smallest scratch on some PCB tracks can cause everything to fail. The signs include abnormal bends or cracks on the surface of the board.

1. Water Damage

Some computers have small stickers that change color when they come into contact with significant amount of moisture.

You should check this if there is to rule out the possibility that your motherboard may be water damage.

Temperatures below the environment, for example, can cause condensation. If your PC is placed next to the AC, then condensation can occur.

2. Short Circuit

While this may be more difficult to identify, you should at least pay attention to boards and try to see electrical problem indicators such as short circuits.

One thing to note is the signs of burns on the motherboard which may be caused by a power failure.

So after knowing the characteristics of the motherboard is damaged, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!