Pantres Dan Insomnia Melanda? Sethampat Jadi Alternasi Exact Merekskan Badan Dan Mind

JAKARTA - A specialist in mental medicine at Airlangga University Surabaya, dr. Nur Azizah AS., Sp.KJ revealed that the practical way to overcome distress (a type of negative stress) that sometimes leads to insomnia (difficulty of sleep) is to adjust the breath and try to relax.

"Relax by taking a long breath from the nose, taking it out slowly through the mouth, repeated many times while convincing that our brains are all fine. That's a practical way to deal with distress, by relaxing. Take the most comfortable position then please relax," he said, as reported by ANTARA.

Azizah, who is a member of the Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialist Association (PDSKJI), said this technique will also help relieve muscle tension, make the breath and heart rate more regular so that the patient's condition can be better.

Taking a breath pattern is also beneficial for someone with insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Another way, sufferers should also avoid napping, because the number of sleep as suggested by health experts is regulated in one day, not just at night.

Generally adults need about 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours. Sleep alone is a business, action and behavior that requires the same as traveling somewhere.

Azizah suggested that people with insomnia do a number of things before bed such as cleaning themselves, keeping away objects that interfere with sleep, for example cellphones, and pray for them.

"Prepare the environment such as beds, lights, bedrooms for sleep, not for others," he said.

On the other hand, insomnia is sometimes a primary sleep disorder without any physical or psychological disorders. However, if the insomnia felt due to distress is then accompanied by disruptions to other daily activities, then Azizah suggested that sufferers consult health workers.

"We will first see what is pure isomnia or part of the symptoms of a certain diagnosis. If for example he is insomnia because of depression, then the treatment is depression, anxiety," he said.