Initially Working Together, Then Gisel Made A Nasty Video In Medan

JAKARTA - The police said that Michael Yokunobu Defretes, who played the male character in the perverted video, was a colleague of Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel. They also have a friendship.

"A working relationship. Yes, my friend," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, December 29.

Meanwhile, the motive behind the making of the video, said Yusri, from the results of the examination they admitted that it was only for personal documentation. But later investigators will explore this matter.

"If asked yes for personal documentation, it is impossible to sell it again," he said.

Previously reported, MYD is Michael Yokunobu Defretes. Based on the search, Michael came from Medan. The city that Gisel admits is the making of nasty videos. Now he lives in Kakogawa, Hyogo, Japan.

Confirmed about the information, the Head of Sub-Directorate of Cyber Crime, Special Crime Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Dani Aryandi confirmed it.

"Yes (that's the real name of the initials MYD, red)," said Dani when confirmed.

In this case, investigators used Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 8 of Law 44 of 2008 concerning pornography. So that both are threatened with a minimum sentence of 6 months and a maximum of 12 years in prison.

Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel officially divorced Gading Marten in 2019. The two separated on the grounds that there was no compatibility after six years of marriage. Both were married in Bali on September 14, 2013.

A year apart from Gading Marten, Gisel stumbled into a legal case. Namely the case of the spread of immoral videos that he made with MYD in 2017. Seeing this year of manufacture, of course Gisel is still Ivory's legal wife.

Regarding the year when the nasty video was made, Gisel admitted himself before the investigators at Polda Metro Jaya when he was examined as a witness some time ago. Gisel admits that the video was made while he was still wife of Gading Marten.

"He (Gisel) admits it himself and it happened around 2017 in a Medan hotel," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus.