Residents FOUND The Dead 'Damar' Elephant Children In Kampar Riau Chinese Buluh Park, Even Though Yesterday They Were Still In Good Health

RIAU - A two-year-old and four-month-old elephant calf was found dead at the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park, Kampar Regency, Riau Province."The elephant calf named Damar is the child of a pair of Robin and Ngatini training elephants who were born on July 3, 2020 at the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park (TWA), Kampar," said Head of the Riau Province Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA), Genman S Hasibuan in a statement in Pekanbaru, Antara, Wednesday, January 18.He said the first person who found Damar dead was Alex Gunawan, a mahuout or elephant coach, today at around 7.45 WIB.Based on Alex's report, said Genman, at that time he was checking and at the same time wanted to move the elephant to the forest. However, arriving at the place, Damar was seen in a lying position and did not move."The leader thought Damar was silent because he was still sleeping. However, after waiting and it was confirmed that Damar had died," he said.A day earlier, picket officers reported that Damar was at around 18.00 WIB, was still in good condition and had no suspicious symptoms of illness."To determine the cause, I ordered the Riau KSDA Center Medical Team led by Dr. Rini Deswita to carry out a necropsy to diagnose the cause of death," said Genman.Examination is by taking samples in the form of the tongue, liver, runoff, stomach, kidneys, heart, lung and pericardium of the elephant."The necropsy results were sent to the Laboratory in Bogor City to determine the exact cause of Damar's death," said Genman.