Even Though You've Eaten Healthy Foods, Avoid Doing These 7 Errors

YOGYAKARTA There are so many lists of healthy foods, are most of them on your list? Healthy foods are foods that contain micronutrients and macronutrients and come from plants. However, mistakes are often made because they do not pay attention to certain aspects of serving these foods. What are the mistakes that are often not realized in choosing and consuming healthy foods? You need to fix this.

Any type of orange can cause problems if you have some recipes to take daily. Statin medicine for cholesterol, should not be taken at the same time as eating Balinese oranges.

Jeruk Bali makes the body absorb more drugs than usual. This will cause side effects. That is, ask your doctor if there is any effect or dietary taboos when taking prescription drugs that you should take.

When food has certain benefits, many people think that the more they consume the more efficacy they get. But this is wrong, because any type of food ingredient, although healthy, must still be consumed in the right amount.

Troops are full of nutrients, low in calories, and even have the potential to reduce the risk of cancer. However, avoid picking your own wild fungus because not all types of mushrooms can be safely consumed. More secure, buy mushrooms in supermarkets or local fungi farmers.

Green vegetables, especially spinach, contain a lot of oxalates that can cause kidney stones. Your doctor may recommend a consumption portion of no more than 40-50 milligrams of oxalates a day. A total of half a cup of spinach leaves, contains about 10 milligrams. This means adjusting the amount of consumption without exceeding the safe limit.

Fish are better consumed but better in a limited amount and the recommended type according to your health condition. Every week, according to WebMD, Wednesday, January 18, it is only recommended to eat 8-12 ounces of fish. To be precise twice a week eating shrimp, tuna, or salmon. For pregnant women, avoid eating high mercury fish, such as king's molecules, sharks, poor fish, and tilefish.

People rarely drink mostly water, because they generally experience a lack of fluids. But there are two conditions that encourage drinking lots of water. First, mental health conditions that encourage drinking water compulsively. Second, you do a lot of exercise and drink too much water. Make sure you drink it according to recommendations or approximately 8 glasses a day in the amount of 2 liters of water.

Healthy vegetables, such as tinions, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes, contain solanin which if most consumption can cause joint pain. Although specific research has not been found, you need to know every effect after eating these types of vegetables. Because everyone has different body conditions, and needs to limit the portion, avoid eating more than a safe portion so that healthy foods are not a source of disaster.

That's the mistake that is often done in eating healthy foods. The recommendations, measure portions, limit salt and saturated fat foods, and combine healthy foods so that not just one type dominates.