KSPI Complaints On Work Creation Law Lawsuit At The Constitutional Court Being Marginalized Due To Regional Election Disputes

JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the FSPMI DPP which is part of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI), Riden Hatam Aziz, complained about the progress of submitting a judicial review (JR) of the Job Creation Law to the Constitutional Court (MK).

Riden considered that the Constitutional Court seemed to be putting aside the Work Creation Law lawsuit and prioritizing the dispute over the results of the 2020 Pilkada votes submitted in the near future.

"Looking at the symptoms, we are currently still being sidelined because they (the Court's panel of judges) prioritized the 2020 Pilkada (dispute). This is what we regret," said Riden when met by VOI at the National Monument area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, December 29.

In fact, according to Riden, the dispute over the results of the 2020 Pilkada votes only has interests in each region. Meanwhile, the Work Creation Law lawsuit covers all regions in Indonesia.

KSPI submitted two types of case requests to the Constitutional Court, namely formal and material tests. Riden said the judicial review suit had been completed in the filing process with three hearings.

"The fourth trial will later go into more detailed subject matter and will present attorneys and witnesses from KSPI," he said.

However, Riden regretted the delay in the process of filing a formal trial for the Job Creation Law lawsuit. KSPI has submitted applications since 17 December. However, until now the lawsuit cannot be processed.

In fact, said Riden, the application for formal review of the new Job Creation Law will be given a case number by the Constitutional Court in April 2021 due to the many disputes in the 2020 Regional Elections.

"We are not sure when the trial will start. In fact, the information will only be numbered in April 2021. In fact, usually the formal test is prioritized because it is related to the law-making process. Hence, we are a bit disappointed too," said Riden.

Furthermore, Riden said that labor groups would continue to carry out demonstrations against the Job Creation Law. Starting early next year, KSPI plans to hold an action every two weeks, in the form of field action and broadcast virtually.