Magenta BUMN Is An Interesting Program For Fresh Graduates, This Is The Definition And How To Register

YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has an interesting program called Magenta BUMN. The BUMN Magenta Program is a program that should be considered for students and fresh graduates to seek new experiences in the world of work. For more details, see the following explanation.


Magenta BUMN is a 2023 internship program that can be participated in by students, both those who are still active and have just graduated, resulting from a collaboration between BUMN, the Ministry of BUMN, and the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FCHI). Magenta stands for Talented Generation Apprentice.

The purpose of holding this program is to act as a forum for the actualization of knowledge that has been achieved by students during lectures. In addition, this program also aims to provide hands-on experience working in SOEs with a professional moral work culture.

This apprenticeship program at BUMN will bring many benefits, especially those related to the development of soft skills and hard skills. In addition, participants will also receive an exclusive certificate signed by the Minister of BUMN and the Chairperson of FHCI.

There are four programs that can be followed through Magenta, namely as follows.

  • General Internship
  • Apprentice Student
  • BUMN Merdeka Campus
  • Indonesia Global Talent Internship

Magenta BUMN participants must at least graduate from high school or equivalent but have student status. In addition, the requirements for other participants are new graduates or fresh graduates, as well as D4 or S1 graduates. Meanwhile, majors that can take part in this program are linear majors and/or have appropriate skills in BUMN.

SOE Magenta Profits

In general, Magenta BUMN has various advantages that will help participants in the world of work, namely as follows.

  1. Certificate

In the world of work, certificates of work skills and work experience are one of the considerations for companies in hiring prospective employees. By participating in Magenta BUMN, participants will receive a special certificate.

  1. Letter of recommendation

This letter will also be one of the targets of the participants. BUMN Magenta alumni will receive a recommendation letter which can be used to apply for work. This letter will be given to workers who have performed well during the program.

  1. Experience

Both students and fresh graduates will get work experience that can help them project their future in the world of work.

  1. New Network

SOE Magenta participants will also get a new network that is formed while running this program. This network is certainly very useful for someone who is starting to enter the professional world.

How to Register BUMN Magenta

It should be noted that the registration fee for Magenta BUMN is free, aka there is no charge. This year's newest BUMN Magenta registration schedule is open from 16 to 22 January 2023. Participants can register via the website. Prospective BUMN Magenta participants are also required to fulfill the following administrative requirements.

  • KTP photo
  • Academic transcript
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Active Student Certificate

After the document requirements are complete, you can start registering with the steps below.

  • Visit the Magenta recruitment site by accessing via cellphone or PC;
  • You will be asked to register for a new account by clicking "Log in to Account";
  • After that you are required to fill in your personal data by clicking "View Profile". After that, fill in the data in the "Personal Data", "Academic Information", and "Complete Apprentice Data" menus;
  • After the process of filling in the personal data is complete, prospective participants can start looking for available internship vacancies by clicking "Intern Vacancies" then select the available internship vacancies according to your criteria by clicking "Internship List".

Magenta BUMN is a program that is able to add insight to students. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.