29 Years Of Working, Love Base Hours Never Change

JAKARTA - One of Indonesia's proud pop bands, Base Jam, released a new single titled Cinta Unseen via Base Jam Records. This angle came right in the 29th year of Base Jam was born on January 15 yesterday.

In living a musical life for so many years, including several personnel changes, there is one spirit that never changes from Base Jam.

This band will always be a home for anyone; be it the personnel, the production team, or the Base Jam Friends (as fans of this band).

Cinta Tak Tuhan is Alvin's original vocalist and arranged by all personnel with the help of vocal director Dody Isnaini during the recording session.

Through this song, Alvin together with Sigit (vocals), Aris and Oni (guitar), Sita (bass), and Alsa (drums) also want to convey the message that apart from all the visible changes, Base Jam's love for music and listeners will always be created and maintained.

Base Jam hopes that the single Cinta Indigenous will start in 2023 and travel to 30 years of their age with a good start and optimistic.

'From the start, I loved you. I want you not just my friend'. This piece of lyrics can be meaningful in a romantic context, namely love at first sight to a potential partner," said Aris in his official statement.

"However, we also want to interpret it as a Base Jam listener from the start, not only a listener, but a close friend, best friend and loyal friend who continues to support us until we can walk for 30 years," he continued.

Single Cinta Tak Memorangan sudah dapat dinikmati di semua platform musik digital. Video liriknya dapat ditonton di kanal Youtube BaseJam Official.