Bandung Satpol PP Will Confiscate New Year's Fireworks And Trumpets

BANDUNG - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Bandung, West Java, will confiscate fireworks and trumpets if they are used in celebrations that cause crowds on New Year's Eve 2021.
"Like the firecrackers (fireworks, red), the trumpets, so if there is one we will scatter them, we will confiscate the firecrackers and trumpets, because one of them invites the crowd," said Head of Satpol PP Bandung City, Rasdian Setiadi, quoted by Antara, Monday, 28 December.
He explained that according to the instructions from the Mayor of Bandung through a circular, New Year's Eve celebrations in any form that prevented the crowd from being held.
The circular, he said, had also been distributed to business premises or other places in the business sector, including entertainment venues so that if a crowd was found, his party would immediately dissolve it.
Regarding the ban on trumpets, he said, this was due to the potential for transmission of COVID-19 through the inflatable device, so he considered that the goods were dangerous if they were not made according to health protocols.
"The trumpet was right when he made it before selling it, try it first, it was a droplet, given it to a colleague, given someone, it's dangerous," said Rasdian.
Previously, West Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri also prohibited New Year's Eve activities which were celebrated with fireworks.
"Fireworks are not allowed either, the name is also a celebration. The celebration is not allowed, especially fireworks, it is not allowed," he said.