The Singkawang Police Of West Kalimantan Form A Special Team To Dismiss The Crowded Crowds On New Year's Eve

PONTIANAK - The Singkawang Police, West Kalimantan, formed a special team to disperse the crowd that made a crowd on New Year's Eve 2021.

"We have compiled a plan to implement a security pattern in order to welcome the New Year's Eve 2020 to 2021. In this security, we are also assisted by elements of the TNI and other stakeholders," said Singkawang Police Chief AKBP Prasetiyo Adhi Wibowo, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 28.

His party will also implement traffic engineering related to New Year's Eve. Prasetiyo explained that the purpose of carrying out traffic engineering is to keep Singkawang City safe.

"We apologize if there is a little inconvenience for the entire community of Singkawang City when we implement this traffic engineering," he said.

"We don't want many visitors from outside the area to come and carry out activities that can gather large numbers of people or crowds which could potentially lead to new clusters of the spread of COVID-19," he said.

The Singkawang Police have prepared three special teams that are specially tasked with carrying out the dissolution of activities in any form and anywhere to celebrate New Year's Eve.

"We will not hesitate and hesitate to disband because the statement from the Chief of Police is clear and the Mayor of Singkawang has also made a circular and limits operating hours for both coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, restaurants and other service providers," he said. .

When the time shows 23.00 WIB, hopefully there will be no more activities that could potentially cause a crowd. "We also apologize, if there are still activities above 23.00 WIB, then we will disband," he said.

If there are people who do not want to obey their orders to immediately disperse and return home, the police take legal action.

"Moreover, I along with the mayor and Dandim Singkawang have agreed to adhere to the same principle, namely that the people's safety is the highest law," he said.