Press Work Accident Rate, Ministry Of Industry And The Ministry Of Manpower Increases Industrial Human Resources Development For K3

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) and the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) increased the role of implementing Work Safety and Health (K3) in industrial human resources to be crucial to reduce the number of work accidents.

"In industrial human resources, the culture of K3 must really be applied because of the high risk of work accidents in several industrial sectors," said Head of the Industrial Human Resources Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry Arus Gunawan in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, January 15.

The current conveys, in order to increase the implementation of K3 in the industry, it is necessary for an expert or specialist in K3 who can help instill the principles of K3 in his workplace.

Based on BPJS Ketenagakerjaan data, the number of work accidents, including work-induced diseases, continues to increase. In 2020 there were 221,740 cases, followed by 234,370 cases in 2021. Meanwhile, in 2022 until November, there were 265,334 cases.

The Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI together with the Directorate General of Manpower Supervision and the Ministry of Manpower's K3 collaborated on the Implementation of the Work Health and Safety Management System.

The signing of this collaboration is part of a series of K3 Month Commemoration events at PT Amerta Indah Otsuka, Sukabumi, West Java.

"This collaboration aims to improve the competence of human resources in the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI Working Unit in the field of K3 through the implementation of SMK3 in accordance with Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of the Work Health and Safety Management System," explained the Current.

The scope of the cooperation agreement which will last for three years includes guidance for K3 Trustees in accordance with the field of expertise for lecturers and education personnel of BPSDMI.

In addition, there will also be guidance for General K3 Experts, K3 Experts for Electricity, K3 Experts for Personnel and Production Aircraft, K3 Chemical Experts, and SMK3 Auditors for lecturers, education staff, and campus students of the Ministry of Industry.

"In the form of implementing K3 nationally, one of them is by increasing collaboration with professional associations K3 and universities by making mutual agreements," said Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah.

In addition to signing the cooperation between the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Industry, the Commemoration of the K3 Month in 2023 carries a big theme, namely the Realization of K3-cultural Decent Work to Support Business Sustainability in Every Place of Work.

The implementation of K3 must be a priority for the world of work in Indonesia. We invite and encourage companies so that K3 culture is attached to every individual in the company," said Ida.