This Monday Ferry Irawan Was Examined Regarding Allegations Of Domestic Violence Against Venna Melinda

JAKARTA  - Ferry Irawan has been named a suspect by the East Java Regional Police for the alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) reported by Venna Melinda.

Hotman Paris Hutapea as Venna Melinda's attorney underwent an additional Police Investigation Report (BAP) a few days ago. The lawyer said that the East Java Regional Police would summon Ferry Irawan as a suspect.

"As of January 12, 2023, the East Java Regional Police have named Ferry Irawan, husband of Venna Melinda, as a suspect for allegedly being related to Article 44 paragraph 1 and Article 45 of the Law on Domestic Violence. Ferry will be summoned Monday as a suspect," Hotman said at the East Java Regional Police some time ago.

Ferry Irawan, who is scheduled to attend the East Java Regional Police tomorrow, did not give much explanation when asked about his readiness. He left it to his attorney, Hotma Sitompoel, to provide an explanation.

"With Mr. Hotma Sitompoel please," Ferry Irawan replied to the media crew via text message on Saturday, January 14.

When asked about his condition after the determination of the suspect by the East Java Regional Police, Ferry admitted that he was not in a good condition. "I dropped," he said.

On a different occasion, Muara Karta, one of Hotma's legal team, confirmed Hotma Sitompoel's certainty of becoming Ferry Irawan's attorney.

"Yes, it's true (Hotma Sitompoel became Ferry's lawyer). As of earlier (Friday) morning, he officially became attorney," Muara Karta explained to the media crew on Friday, January 13, 2023.

"Yes, will accompany Ferry. He has become a suspect and may be arrested," he continued.

Venna Melinda herself said that she would continue her report on Ferry Irawan until the court process. Not only that, she was also prepared to sue Ferry Irawan for divorce.