Dmitry Medvedev Ask PM Fumida To Do Harakiri, This Is The Reason!

JAKARTA - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday January 14 accused Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of publicly submitted to the United States. Medvedev also stated that Fumida should do harakiri or seppuku, a suicide ritual. This is a recent statement from Medvedev, who was once considered a Western sovereign reformer but later turned to attack with surprising and provocative statements since Russia invaded Ukraine last year. There has been no comment from the Japanese Government regarding the statement because Saturday is a holiday. MEDvedev is a close ally of President Vladimir Putin who is now the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council and vice chairman of the body who oversees the defense industry. He responded to a meeting on Friday between Kishida and US President Joe Biden, who later issued a joint statement. The statement said: "We expressly state that any use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine will become hostile to humanity and cannot be justified at all." Madevedev said the statement shows "the fear" of Russia and "protects memories of hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens who were burned by the nuclear explosion at Hiroshima and back". He referred to events at the end of World War Two when the US dropped atomic bombs to force Japan to give up defeat.

Instead of demanding US accountability for the incident, according to Medvedev, Kishida has shown that he is "only an American servant". He said the embarrassed stance could only be cleared by taking the assumption of "suicide trend by tearing his own stomach" in a meeting of the Japanese cabinet after Kishida's return.Since the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Medvedev has repeatedly warned that Western interference in the crisis will lead to a nuclear war. He also once called Ukrainians a "cheak", which Kiev considers a blatant genocide. Putin once said that the threat of nuclear war was increasing, but insisted that Russia would not "be crazy". He also said that Russia's nuclear arsenal was only to defend itself.