Three Factors Causing DKI Jakarta To Become The Province With Most COVID-19 Contribution

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Riza Partia said there are at least three factors that cause Jakarta to always be the province with the most positive cases.

First, because Jakarta has increased the number of tracing and examinations using the rapid test or PCR method. Thus, the number detected is increasing.

"DKI Jakarta always improves PCR tests, yes. The numbers are 8 or even 9 times a week within the standards recommended by WHO," Riza told reporters, Sunday, December 27.

Second, continued Riza, several hospitals that were late in sending PCR examination results. Thus, data accumulation occurs and this affects the daily amount of data on COVID-19 cases.

"The increase was also due to the accumulation of the sum of PCR data a few days earlier from several hospitals that had not been included or were late," he said.

Finally, the high number of positive cases in Jakarta is also influenced by people who are still stubborn by traveling on holidays. In fact, the Provincial Government (Pemprov) has repeatedly told the public to stay at home.

"Indeed, there are additions due to holidays and so on. For that we continue to ask the public on this long holiday to stay at home, okay? No need to leave the house let alone outside the area," he said.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Ministry of Health, DKI Jakarta has 2,058 new cases and a total of 173,929 positive cases as of December 26. Thus, DKI Jakarta is the province with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia.