The Fact That NIK Is Changing To NPWP, Profiting Or Lossing?

YOGYAKARTA - activation of the Population Identification Number (NIK) is the Basic Taxpayer Number (NPWP) no later than March 31, 2023. The government urges the public to immediately activate considering that the transition period will end in two months.

There are a number of facts about NIK changing to NPWP that the public needs to know. Recalling that the policy of using NIK as NPWP has been implemented by the government for a long time, starting July 14, 2022. Meanwhile, this implementation will take full effect from January 1, 2024.

This policy of using NIK as NPWP is quite profitable for the community. Now people no longer have to bother having to make NPWP in the tax office. However, there are people who are worried about the implementation of this policy because they have to bear the taxpayer. What exactly is the fact that the NIK policy is NPWP?

Everyone who has a NIK will automatically become an NPWP. There are still many people who are confused about this policy, from how it works to its activation. Here are a number of facts from the NIK policy to NPWP.

When it was first rolled out, the NIK policy to become a NPWP was quite horrendous to the public. Many middle class people and lower class NIK owners are restless because they have to become taxpayers. Even though not everyone who owns a NIK automatically becomes a taxpayer and is not required to pay taxes.

In the Tax Law, it has been stipulated that individual taxpayers are imposed on every person who lives in Indonesia and has income exceeding PTKP (Non-Tax Income) of IDR 60 million per year or IDR 5 million per month.

So people who earn in the nominal onion are not required to register as taxpayers. The Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance has just raised the lower limit for taxable income from IDR 50 million to IDR 60 million per year and from IDR 4.5 million to IDR 5 million per month.

By holding the use of NIK as NPWP, it will make it easier for public administration and related parties. People no longer need to remember many identity numbers. Now it's enough to just use the NIK to be able to NPWP.

People who have long NPWP do not need to feel in vain. Because the old NPWP is still valid even though the NIK policy has been implemented as a NPWP. So the old NPWP will be given an additional number in the leading 16 digits and the joint NIK can be used.

Based on records from DGT until January 8, 2023, there have been 53 million NIKs integrated with NPWP. DGT continues to encourage taxpayers to update data and information in the system following its digital accessibility.

"Until now, around 53 million taxpayers have been connected," said Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Suryo Utomo, in a press conference on the latest tax information at the DGT office, Tuesday (10/1/2023).

activation or validation of NIK to NPWP is very easy. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Login page

2. After successfully logging in, information related to NIK/NPWP16 will be available in the latest NPWP

3. Enter the main data updating menu

4. Select other data updating options

If the NIK data has been successfully inputted, then the user can fill in data information from, such as full name, address, to mobile number to fulfill tax and other matters.

If the validation process is successful, you need to ensure your NPWP activity. Here are the steps you need to take.

Demikian fakta NIK berubah menjadi NPWP dan cara melakukan validasinya. Masyarakat yang tergolong pembata pajak diminta untuk segera melakukan validasi mengingat masa transisi paling akhir pada 31 Maret 2022.

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