Getting To Know Symptoms Of Pansitopenia, Diseases Caused By Blood Cells Are Very Low

YOGYAKARTA Panscitopenia disease, or pancytopehia, is due to a shortage of three types of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. When there is a shortage of these three types of blood cells, the symptoms of pansitopenia can be recognized by frequent palms and cold hands, fatigue, easily bruises, and bruises.

Pansitopenia, is divided into three, depending on which type of blood cell is lacking in the body. The lack of red blood cells, called anemia, is recognized with certain symptoms. Among them, frequent headaches, hands and feet are cold, fatigue, weak body, pale skin and yellowness color, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats.

Meanwhile, leukopenia occurs when there is a lack of white blood cells that can be recognized by symptoms of infection, the body is hot, cold, fever, and sweating. For the symptoms of thrombocytopenia, or lack of platelets, it is recognized easily by bruises, excessive bleeding due to injuries, fatigue, enlargement of runoffs, bleeding gums, bleeding urine and feces, or heavy flow of mentruation.

Some symptoms of severe Pansitopenia require immediate treatment. Such as decreased consciousness, confusion, high fever, severe bleeding, seizures, and extreme shortness of breath.

The cause of Pansitopenia is very varied. Even half of all cases, the exact cause is never known. This is called idioptic pansytromenia. Meanwhile, in some parts of the world, pansitopenia is caused by malnutrition. Launching WebMD, Monday, January 9, in North America, pansitopenia is caused by uncontrolled cell growth or called neoplastic. This condition can be cancerous or non-cancerous.

Some of the disorders that cause pansitopenia include cancer, lupus, bone cord disorders, infections, drug side effects, exposure to toxins, chemotherapy treatment, and autoimmune disorders. To find out the exact cause, medical services will generally check levels of vitamin B12 and folate, liver function examination tests, infectious disease tests, thyroid function tests, and bone cord biopsy.

Treatment of pansitopenia, must be adjusted to the underlying cause. For example, if due to a lack of vitamin B12 or folate, the doctor will provide dietary recommendations. The treatment taken will be different from the pansitopenia disease caused by infection or other causes.