SPKLU Is Already Available, PLN Will Test Electric Cars From Jakarta To Bali

JAKARTA - The State Electricity Company (PLN) will conduct a trial trip using an electric-powered car on a route from Jakarta to Bali. PLN Commissioner, Dudi Purwagandi, said the plan to test the electric car for the Jakarta-Bali route was supported by the addition of four public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU).

The four locations are SPKLU Rest Area Km 207 A Palimanan-Kanci (Palikanci) Toll, SPKLU Rest Area 379 Batang Toll, and SPKLU Rest Area Km 519 A / B Sragen.

"I want to try using this electric vehicle to Bali because PLN has prepared infrastructure such as SPKLU. From the literature and information, the use of electric vehicles in the city is very efficient, so I want to try long-distance routes," said Dudi in his statement, Friday, 25 December.

In addition, from this remote trial, Dudi wants PLN to be able to share experiences with people who still have concerns and questions regarding electric vehicles, as well as provide input to the company if there is something that needs to be fixed.

"I want to provide input related to SPKLU location points in the future so as to provide convenience for electric vehicle users," said Dudi.

"This is because, in terms of cost, electric vehicles offer cheaper costs compared to current oil-fueled vehicles," he added.

Furthermore, Dudi said that PLN would continue to build SPKLU to support the journey of these environmentally friendly vehicles. It is planned that until 2025, PLN will build 2,400 SPKLU.

"PLN is committed to providing comfort for users of battery-based electric motorized vehicles (KBLBB) by ensuring the provision of electricity infrastructure," he concluded.