The President Director Of PLN Instructions All Anticipation And Preparedness Units For Disaster Response Emergency Equipment

JAKARTA - According to the monitoring of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), extreme weather that hit several areas caused landslides or landslides. PT PLN (Persero) is one of the parties who have a vital role in securing electricity during extreme weather.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo, gave direct instructions to all units in all work areas to work together to help anticipate and deal with flood disasters.

In the Central Java Pantura area, PLN is also active with the Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) and various relevant stakeholders to carry out quick and proper handling.

"When the flood disaster occurred, we focused on securing the electricity network to maintain the safety of residents. We are also synergizing with the provincial governments of Central Java, BPBD and related parties to distribute aid to areas affected by the disaster," Darmawan said in his official statement.

Since the flood incident, PLN has dispatched picket officers to control the network and electricity security. PLN also in parallel ensures the location points used by residents to gather temporarily and distribute aid to a number of these points.

Food assistance worth IDR 117.5 million has been distributed in the early stages to meet the emergency needs of the affected locations, including Semarang City, Kendal Regency, Juwana Regency, Pati Regency, Rembang, Kudus, Pekalongan Regency and Demak Regency.

Not only that, PLN also distributed 13 thousand liters of clean water assistance to Genuk District, Semarang City to clean residents' houses after the flood. PLN also dispatched personnel and a number of assistance when extreme weather hit Karimunjawa Island.

"We sent as many as 35 standby personnel, 2 generator units with a capacity of 50 KVA, 5 generator units with a capacity of 100 KVA, 2 crane trucks and 1 operational assistance vehicle and 10 oil drums for the generator to strengthen the electricity system in Karimunjawa. Meanwhile, to the affected residents, we handed over 100 packages of basic food assistance to ease the burden on the affected residents," explained Darmawan.

Meanwhile, when the flood hit Meteseh, Semarang on Friday (January 6), PLN again secured the electricity network to maintain the safety of residents and provide temporary electricity supply through mobile generators to support electricity at evacuation posts.

Among the aids that have been distributed in the form of 200 food packages, rubber boats are also alerted to facilitate the evacuation process of residents, repair of electrical installations for residents' houses and replacement of meters damaged due to flooding and installation of PHBTR (Hubung Market for Low Voltage) to secure electricity at flood locations.

As well as to overcome further flooding, PLN provided assistance with 1,000 FABA sacks (Fly Ash & Bottom Ash) to stem the Pengkol river embankment which was broken due to flash floods at Dinar Indah Housing, Meteseh, Semarang.

After the flood recovery efforts were also carried out by PLN with cross-agency community service including Polrestabes, Kodim, Public Works Service, Pemali Juana River Basin Center, Fire Department together with residents, to clean up the mud left over from the flash flood. PLN conducted an assessment of the installation of residents' houses that were previously affected by the flood to ensure they were safe when the electricity would be turned on.