Medan City MUI Asks Bobby Nasution To Give Skills Training For Silver Humans

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Medan City appealed to the City Government to train silver people with skills.

"We urge you to discipline and at the same time provide skills training to these teenagers," said the chairman of the Medan City MUI, Hasan Matsum in Medan, Friday, January 6, as reported by Antara.

MUI wants, skills training is not only for "silver humans", but beggars in general in Medan City, making them useful.

Because, he continued, the teenagers who smeared their bodies with silver paint, made a living at the intersection of Medan City by begging or begging.

It is known, the "silver human" action was initially to attract public attention in fundraising, but has now become a livelihood at the crossroads of the capital city.

"If we can do the training accompanied by directing. Because if we don't direct the training, they are already 'living well'. There is no need to'skill' and don't need to work hard, but get money from begging," he said.

North Sumatra MUI issued a fatwa haram for the work of "silver humans", and asked the city government to control them in Medan, on November 25-26, 2022.

"That's why it takes guidance from those who work, as the dignity of themselves. MUI (Medan City) is also ready for that," said Hasan.

The stakeholders, especially the Medan City Government through the relevant OPD, cannot allow this "silver human" activity without any hope for them going forward.

"It could be because of limited education, they have no ability other than to behave like that. Demand in such a way," he said.