The Difference Is People Who Are Too Voter And Impulsive, Here's An Expert Explanation

YOGYAKARTA People who are too picky tend to take a long time to decide something. They need pros and cons considerations before making a choice. Unlike impulsive people, they are not picky and easily adjust and rationalize their decisions.

Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., professor of leadership and organizational psychology at Claremont McKenna College, said that being too picky involves elements of personality, pattern of behavior, and cognitive processing. Launching Psychology Today, January 6, voters tend to be a bit too analytic. They are very careful considering the pros and cons. As a result, it takes a lot of time to make decisions.

Riggio tells the story of his partner, he is too picky in terms of date. He doesn't like the shape of the girl's chin he meets, the way he says certain words, until his ears are too wide for his face. As a result, he rarely dates anyone.

People who are too voters, or called pickiness, have some aspect of temperament. There may be elements of over-compulsiveness or emotionality. Based on research findings, children who like to be picky about food, for example, they have a higher level of emotion. In contrast, people who are not picky, tend to be more impulsive, flexible, and open to experience.

Research by Riggio professors found that some people are only picky in certain fields in their lives. For example eating, dating, or when evaluating goods to buy. Although most people picky, be picky in many ways. Voters/choose people tend to analyze, and often analyze excessively, the choices they will make. Some of them can make other people or customer service feel frustrated because they are doubtful, evaluate excessively, and doubt again.

Obsessed with details before making a decision, it may have a negative effect. Just like choosing an impulsive thing, it is also not uncommon to choose wisely, recklessly, and irrationally. However, impulsive people tend to adapt more easily.