This Mother Is The First Woman In The UK To Give Birth To Twins With 3 Different Uteruses

JAKARTA - Melanie Bassett (32) is already a mother of two, but was surprised when doctors made a rare discovery.

She was carrying an identical baby in one womb and another in the second.

Melanie first realized she had two uteruses when she became pregnant with her first child Phoebe, now 3 years old, in 2017.

Together with her husband Ben, 33, Melanie, from Hampshire, they welcomed their second child, a baby boy named Blake, in 2019.

But in January this year, the couple were amazed to welcome the triplets, Brooke, Isabelle and Beau.

Having twins from two wombs, which is known as the uterus didelphys, is estimated to occur only one in a million events.

And Melanie is considered the first example of a rare case in Britain.

"When we were told, it was insane!" the mother of five said, according to the Daily Star, Saturday, December 26.

Melanie has a didelphys uterus which also creates the possibility of a second vagina.

This condition does not make it difficult for women to get pregnant but increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Phoebe was born by caesarean section at 29 weeks in February 2017, as was Blake who was born two years later at 34 weeks.

Then two months later, Melanie found out that she was pregnant again.

Melanie and Ben with their five children Brooke, Isabelle, Phoebe, Beau and Blake (Photo: Daily Star)

The triplets were finally born by caesarean section at 32 weeks of Melanie's pregnancy on January 26 this year.

"We're really looking forward to Christmas. We can't wait to see their little faces on Christmas morning," said an excited Melanie.

"It's all about the children. Our family is now complete."