Christmas Eve Service A Number Of Churches In Kudus Conducted Virtual

JAKARTA - A number of churches in Kudus, Central Java are holding virtual Christmas Eve services. This is done to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the area.

"The results of monitoring in seven churches in urban areas show that three churches held it virtually and the rest were face to face," said Acting Regent of Kudus Hartopo while monitoring the implementation of mass at the Church of Santa Yohanes Evagelista on Jalan Sunan Muria Kudus, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 24 evening.

For the overall report, he said, his party had not received the report. All levels at the sub-district level are still monitoring all churches that hold Christmas celebrations.

The monitoring aims to provide a sense of security and comfort for the congregation in carrying out worship on this Christmas Day.

Churches that hold face-to-face services, he said, have followed the health protocol rules by implementing 3M, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap and maintaining distance.

For religious leaders who have been exposed to COVID-19, such as what happened in Payaman Village, it has also been anticipated by joining the congregation with the nearest church.

Head of the Office of National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) Kudus Harso Widodo added that out of 45 churches in Kudus Regency, there were 27 churches that held Christmas celebrations.

"Of that number, around 16 churches only organize directly, while others have churches that organize virtually or directly. There are also those that only hold virtual Christmas services," he said.

This, he said, was of course in order to reduce the crowd at the church in an effort to prevent the possibility of transmission of the corona virus.

Based on the circular letter of the Regent of Kudus number 800/4575 / 39.00 / 2020 concerning the Implementation of People Travel Prokes during the Christmas and New Year 2021 Holidays and Activities for Organizing Christmas Worship and Welcoming the New Year During the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is stated that the number of people who can participate face-to-face worship and Christmas celebrations, a maximum of 50 percent of the total capacity of places of worship.

Each place of worship must also prepare officers independently to carry out and supervise the implementation of health protocols in the area of worship places.