Even Though It Has Been Mapped The Syndicated Mode Of PMI Fraudsters, The Ministry Of Manpower Admits That It Is Still Difficult To Catch The Perpetrators
The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) said the disconnected chain was the most widely used method used by perpetrators who trapped Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).
"Our hardest challenge is to find the culprit. So, because the perpetrators must have used the method of breaking the chain, one of them and the other don't know each other," said the Director of Manpower Research at the Ministry of Manpower, Yuli Adiratna in an online 'Nawa Podcast PMI', Wednesday, January 4, was confiscated by Antara.
Yuli said that the arrest of the perpetrators was difficult because people who entered the village to recruit residents as PMI candidates would be different from people who were given the responsibility to take PMI candidates to training places or document processing processes.
The perpetrators will change people again who were ordered to take PMI candidates to the airport as soon as they want to fly.
In addition, the most difficult thing that the government challenges is the search for evidence. Even though it was done together across sectors, it was difficult to guarantee that someone was the perpetrator at that time.
In most cases, workers are dispatched without holding any documents, either a passport or a boarding pass. Both will be given, once they arrive at the airport ahead of the call to enter the plane.
When he arrived at the airport he didn't hold anything and most of it was like that. It's difficult to prove what the proof is for him to place and who. That's always our big questions," he said.
Thus, Yuli emphasized that it was the Ministry of Manpower's job to continue to echo education to all parties involved, not only to PMI. But also to the community to the government at the central level to the village.
Because, by not understanding the regulations of work and documents that are not in accordance with the laws, workers will become non-procedural PMIs who are so hit by problems cannot be found or experience problems in dealing with problems.
Yuli reminded all parties that if the state would never prohibit its citizens from working abroad, it would provide the best facilities. Therefore, it is hoped that all workers can work procedurally by registering with the Manpower Office or One-Stop Integrated Service (LTSA).
Yuli also reminded workers not to be easily consumed by the lure of perpetrators, with various conditions that are very easy to do.
Make sure, he said, all documents are complete, and those who place workers really come from institutions listed in the ministry or through an application called the PMI Window.
It can be seen in the application, which ones are no longer valid or revoked, which ones are suspended, which ones are still active. Once again, never leave non-procedurally, because there is no certainty of guarantees of protection from the state," he said.