The House Of Representatives Will Immediately Charge The Job Creation Perppu After Returning From The Recess Period

The DPR leadership ensures that members of the council will immediately study the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker) after the recess period which will end on January 10. This quick step was taken by the DPR in line with the many rejections of Perppu signed by President Joko Widodo on December 30, 2022.

"We have not studied it, because (Perppu) was only conveyed during the recess. We will only be active during the trial period on January 10. Of course, the DPR will study the contents of the Perppu," said Deputy Chairman of the DPR for the field of Corrections, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 3. According to the mechanism, continued Dasco, the Ciptaker Perppu issued by the government will later be discussed by all factions in the DPR. According to him, the issuance of the Ciptaker Perppu is one of the ways that are regulated to make regulations. However, the daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP is reluctant to comment further on the reasons the government suddenly issued a Perppu to enforce a rule. Even though the Job Creation Law, mandated for improvement by the Constitutional Court.

"I think it is in accordance with the existing regulations, there is indeed something called the making of laws, revision of laws, then there is a government regulation to replace laws and it is regulated," he explained. "So that later we will both see how the urgency is, then we can comment later," added Dasco.