Social Minister Risma Will Be Dismissed From The Position Of Mayor Of Surabaya

SURABAYA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) will dismiss Tri Rismaharini as the mayor of Surabaya. The East Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) has not accepted Risma's resignation as the mayor of Surabaya, even though he has officially served as Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos).

"We got information from the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Surabaya BKD, so what is used is Article 78 of Law 23 of 2014 and Article 88 of Law 23 of 2014. So it is not resigning, but is dismissed by the Minister of Home Affairs," said the Head of the East Java Regional Autonomy and Administration Bureau, Jempin. Marbun, confirmed Wednesday, December 23

Jempin explained that Risma could take two ways to leave her position as mayor of Surabaya. It could be resigned or it could be dismissed by the Minister of Home Affairs because he had a new assignment from the President.

"In Law 23/2014 a regional head can be dismissed because he died, resigned, third because he was dismissed. Well, this dismissal was because he was given an assignment by the president. Now this is also suitable for the legal basis," said Jempin.

Jempin stated that his party was still waiting for the decree to stop Risma from the Minister of Home Affairs. The dismissal decree which will become the legal basis for the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa to issue a letter of assignment to Plt.

The position of Acting Mayor of Surabaya, he said, will be automatically held by Whisnu Sakti Buana, who is the current representative for the Mayor of Surabaya.

"This is currently awaiting the Minister of Home Affairs' Decree regarding the dismissal of the Mayor of Surabaya," said Jempin.

According to Jempin, there is no time limit for the Minister of Home Affairs to issue the decree on Risma's dismissal. However, he said, the decree should be issued as soon as possible, because if it is not issued immediately it could cause problems.

"If the decree on dismissal was not issued immediately there would be obstacles. Because in implementing policies (the deputy mayor of Surabaya) it cannot be the same as the authority of the mayor," said Jempin.

Although the decree for dismissal was not immediately issued by the Minister of Home Affairs, continued Jempin, there would also be no legal problems. Although later it could be said that Risma had concurrent positions.

As long as, he said, after being appointed Social Minister, Risma no longer handled the mayor's duties. This means that the task of taking care of Surabaya is carried out by Whisnu.