Considered Tapi Pelakukan, Budaya Korupsi Berjemaah Masih Jadi Kendala KPK Berantas Rasuah

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that congregational corruption has become a culture in the country. This obligation makes it difficult for KPK investigators to eradicate riots in the community.

"At the cultural level, this has resulted in difficulties by the KPK. They want to eradicate (corruption, ed) but those who do it are too common," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Monday, January 2.

Ghufron alluded to several cultures of corruption that still occur a lot in society. One of them, considering the provision of bribes and gratuities to state officials is a common thing.

This gift is usually done to facilitate their affairs. "That bribes and gratuities are taboo, they are not allowed. But when (the community, ed) is asked whether to do (bribery and gratification, ed), they are still doing it," he said.

Unfortunately, continued Ghufron, this bribery and gratification occurred not only in the licensing and procurement sectors for goods and services. This practice also occurs in the realm of education.

"So considering that currently bribery and gratification are common for going to school, to get a position, to get a project and others," he said.

"What does this show? Showing that the value of corruption is ugliness understood but not enforced. It is in many places including in the world of education," continued Ghfuron.

Seeing this condition, the KPK considers that people have not been able to leave this habit. Thus, this institution tries to provide anti-corruption education.

Moreover, from the data they have, the public is now increasingly aware of the bad effects of corrupt practices. However, they cannot leave the habit to make it easier.

"So, it must be understood that the enforcement of corruption is not the end," he concluded.