New Year's Eve 2023, Jalan Asia Afrika Bandung Is Total

Jalan Asia Afrika, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, mengalami kemacetan total saat malam tahun baru, pergantian dari 2022 ke 2023, pukul 00.00 WIB. Ribu kendaraan, baik roda empat maupun roda dua yang memadati jalan tersebut hampir tak bergerak sama sekali.

Even a number of residents took to the streets from the vehicle to also welcome 2023. "Indeed, it is concentrated in Asia Africa to the square, for other areas it is smooth," said Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana before the New Year's Eve.

Until 10 minutes after the turn of the year, road users were still stuck in line, while residents who had previously packed the pedestrian space gradually dispersed.

In addition, the apparatus from the police to the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) appealed to the public to immediately disperse so that traffic flow returns to normal. About an hour before the turn of the year, the Jalan Asia Afrika section was closed by the police. This is because the density of vehicles in the area has started to cause a slowdown in the flow.

Vehicles bound for Asia Afrika Street from the east were diverted to Lengkong Street. However, the closure did not last long. "It does need to be closed during the New Year's Eve celebrations, then reopened to smooth the flow," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Aswin Sipayung.