Fire Losses Throughout 2022 Achieving IDR 130.6 Billion

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of DKI Jakarta Province estimates that the losses due to fires in the capital that occurred throughout 2022 reached around Rp130.6 billion.

"Based on the results of the estimated calculation, the number of post-fire losses in the residential sector during 2022 is estimated at IDR 130.6 billion," said Head of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of DKI Jakarta BPBD M Ridwan as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 31.

Overall, BPBD DKI Jakarta recorded that there had been 1,409 disasters throughout 2022 consisting of 642 fires, 127 floods, 642 fallen trees, 197 inundated roads and 13 strong winds.

In addition, there were 14 landslides, 2 earthquakes (who felt the tremors reached Jakarta) and 37 other disasters such as collapsed buildings, drowning people until the ship sank.

Fires in buildings and settlements are the highest types of disasters that have occurred throughout 2022.

According to Ridwan, the most fires occurred in August as many as 71 incidents because they were still in the dry season. As for the highest flood incident occurred in October (19 events). Likewise for the flooded road (62 incidents).

This is because October is the transition time from the dry season to the rainy season. As for the highest strong winds occurred in March as many as 5 incidents, directly proportional to the incidence of fallen trees, the highest occurred in March as many as 133 incidents.

Throughout 2022, the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPBD will also be involved in humanitarian missions to help other people in areas affected by disasters, by sending a Disaster Management Collaboration Task Force for earthquake events in West Pasaman (West Sumatra), Pandeglang (Banten) and Cianjur (West Java) as well as the eruption of hot clouds falling on Mount Semeru Lumajang (East Java).

Head of BPBD DKI Jakarta Province, Isnawa Adji, appealed to the public to be aware of all potential disasters in Jakarta.

"By reflecting on the disaster incident in 2022, I advise the public to 'Recognize the threat and reduce the risk'," said Isnawa.

He also expressed his appreciation for the collaboration of the pentahelix element through the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB).