Sandiaga Uno Once Insisted He Was Reluctant To Be Jokowi's 'assistant', How Come Now?

JAKARTA - Former rival of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Sandiaga Uno, was officially appointed as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. However, previously Sandi had insisted on rejecting the offer to be Jokowi's assistant. In fact, Sandi has rejected the offer six times.

In October 2019, Sandiaga Uno clearly stated that he was reluctant to join the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Indonesia Forward Cabinet. Sandiaga said he would be outside the government.

At that time, Sandiaga was one of the names that was rumored to be a minister in the Jokowi government volume II. He is said to be a ministerial candidate in charge of investment.

"I am willing to provide input from outside the government, convey things that are like a bitter pill," he said, at his home, Jalan Pulombangkeng, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday, October 14, 2016.

Sandiaga admitted that he was worried that he would not be able to provide objective input if he became part of the government. The former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta feels that his thoughts need to be conveyed.

Sandiaga Uno when inaugurated as Menparekraf. (Photo: Instagram @sandiuno)

"Because when you are in the government, everyone will worry about it, 'as long as you are happy'. This is what we have to convey in the spirit of togetherness, we must convey these inputs as well," he said.

However, when reiterated, Sandiaga said that the arrangement of the cabinet was the prerogative of the president.

"So, if that's the prerogative of the president, we respect the prerogative of the president, we respect it," he said.

Reject the Minister's Offer 6 Times

Sandiaga Uno's spokesman, Kawendra Lukistian, said Sandi had previously rejected the minister's offer. Sandi has even refused to be a minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet six times.

"For rejection, we have already offered 6 times," he told VOI, Wednesday, December 23.

However, Sandiaga changed his mind on the seventh offer. He no longer refuses the offer to become a minister in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin's cabinet. Sandi decided to accept the position of Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy replacing Wishnutama Kusubandio.

Sandiaga Uno, who is Jokowi's rival in the 2019 presidential election, was inaugurated as minister at the Presidential Palace this morning, Wednesday, December 23. Now, he officially holds the status of Menparekraf.

Kawendar said, on the seventh offer, Sandi lul and decided to accept. One of the reasons is heart calling. Moreover, currently the Indonesian economy is in a recession, and the tourism sector is severely affected.

"The heart is calling to help contribute to saving the nation out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because to deal with all of this, we need to unite together," he said.