Minister Of Finance Sri Mulyani: 2022 Like Battleground For Stock Exchanges In Various Countries

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani revealed that the journey of the Indonesian capital market throughout 2022 is like a fierce battle to achieve the best results.

According to the Minister of Finance, many dynamics emerged this year and put pressure on itself that has never happened before.

"This is an Stock Exchange battleground anywhere," he said at the close of trading in Indonesia's 2022 shares in Jakarta, Friday, December 30.

The Minister of Finance explained that the phenomenon of battlement can be seen clearly from the decline in the economy experienced by developed countries, ranging from America, Britain, Japan, the European region, to China. This situation is exacerbated by the extraordinary geopolitical conditions that changed after the eruption of war in Ukraine which made commodity supply barriers more acute.

This is a complexity for all policymakers around the world. They are faced with a very high rising inflation dilemma due to supply side and demand after the pandemic," he said.

Here the response is to raise interest rates which will certainly have a direct impact on the Stock Exchange. This inflation is the frontline battle," he continued.

Therefore, the Minister of Finance is not surprised if the Stock Exchange in various countries is under pressure and is on the red line.

"Because nothing is not affected during your battleground at the peak of the war," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.