Waskita Karya Back Wins Project Tender At IKN, This Time Working On Wastewater Processing Installation IDR 639 Billion

PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk was again appointed by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to work on a wastewater treatment plant (IPAL) construction project in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago with a contract worth IDR 639 billion.

SVP Corporate Secretary of the Company Novianto Ari Nugroho said that from the start the Company continued to follow every tender in IKN.

"Alhamdulillah, Waskita won the project work tender again at IKN. This project is one of the many tenders we participated in at IKN," said Novianto in his statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 30.

He said the agreement for project work under the name of construction (IPAL) 1,2.3 KIPP IKN was signed between the PPK Sanitation of the Implementation Work Unit for Settlement Infrastructure Region II of the Ministry of PUPR of East Kalimantan Province, Pandu Agung Wicaksono and SVP Infrastructure I Division, I Nyoman Agus Pastima.

"The development of this IPAL will, of course, be the main support for wastewater management in the Central Government Core Area - the State Capital, so that it maintains the quality of groundwater and reduces environmental pollution," he said.

This project is planned to be carried out within 742 days and will be completed by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, Waskita's scope of work includes preparation work, IPALD units, mechanical & electrical work, road & landscape and mud dehydrator.

"This acquisition certainly adds to the value of the Company's new contract as of December 2022. Until the end of this year we are still waiting for the announcement of the tender and are optimistic that we can win it," said Novianto.

Previously, Waskita had also won two project tenders, namely the IKN Toll Road Project for the Simpang Tempadung Balang Island Bridge worth IDR 990 billion and the construction of the IKN Work Road/Logistics for the Central Central Government Main Area (KIPP) for the Sepaku Segment 4 Ring Road Development Package worth IDR 182 billion.

In its implementation later, Waskita will not only pursue revenue targets, but also remain committed to maintaining the trust that has been given by the Government and service users by paying attention and prioritizing safety and environmental aspects.