Appointed As Minister Of Religion, Gus Yaqut Does Not Want Religion To Become A Political Tool To Oppose The Government

JAKARTA - The newly appointed Minister of Religion by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, does not want religion to become a political tool to oppose the government or seize power. Gus Yaqut promised to make religions in Indonesia an inspiration, not an aspiration.

"First what I did was to make religion an inspiration, not an aspiration. What does that mean, that religion is no longer used as a political tool as much as possible, either to oppose the government or to seize power or maybe other goals," said Yaqut in a press conference broadcast on the account. YouTube, Tuesday, December 22.

He considered, religions in Indonesia should be able to bear the values of goodness and togetherness in the life of the nation and state. In addition, he will also strive to improve brotherhood between Muslims who are the majority group in the country while trying to strengthen inter-religious unity.

"Why is it important that we know that Indonesia is independent, this country is separated from colonial colonies because of the struggle of all religions. Not only Islam, Muslims. So it is important that we revive this wathoniyah ukhuwah so that there is no single group, not one religion that claims to be. own the country, "he stressed.

"Everyone has the right to own this country," he added.

Finally, he will also strive to strengthen ukhuwah basyariyah among fellow human beings or the unity of fellow human beings in accordance with the teachings of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. "I often quote what the Prophet's companions, Sahabat Ali, said that those who are not brothers in faith are brothers in humanity," he said.

"I think this is important to become awareness for all citizens of this nation. If this is done then I believe that in the future Indonesia will be much more peaceful and the development that has been conveyed by several ministerial candidates earlier, will be easily realized," Gus Yaqut added.

As previously reported, President Jokowi appointed Yaqut Cholil Choumas (Gus Yaqut) as Minister of Religion. Gus Yaqut will replace Fachrul Razi in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

"Mr Yaqut Cholil will be given responsibility as Minister of Religion," said Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 22.

After being summoned by Jokowi, Gus Yaqut appeared to be wearing a white shirt wrapped in a blue jacket and sitting in a row of the new ministers who were elected in this cabinet reshuffle.

Gus Yaqut will be appointed Minister of Religion tomorrow, Wednesday, December 23 at the State Palace, along with five other new ministers.