The East Java Provincial Government Is Waiting For The Resignation Of Risma Who Became Minister Jokowi

SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Whisnua Sakti Buana will replace Tri Rismaharini as Mayor of Surabaya. However, before arriving there, the East Java Provincial Government is still waiting for Risma's resignation letter.

"We are still waiting for the resignation letter. Because once there is a resignation (Risma, red), the governor will immediately refer to the Acting Mayor of Surabaya," said the Head of the East Java Provincial Government Administration and Regional Autonomy, Jempin Marbun, confirmed on Tuesday December 22nd.

Jempin said that Risma must immediately resign as the Mayor of Surabaya, so that there is no vacancy and the wheels of government continue to run normally. The resignation letter is the basis for issuing an Acting letter to the Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Whisnu Sakti Buana.

After the appointment of Plt, continued Jempin, the East Java Provincial Government will wait for the dismissal process which will be carried out through the plenary meeting of the Surabaya City DPRD. The decision, he said, would later be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) through the Governor to dismiss Risma.

"Only after officially resigning (as Mayor of Surabaya), formally there will be Plt who is appointed as Mayor," he concluded.

Jokowi was chosen by Jokowi to become minister of social affairs to replace Juliari Batubara. Juliari is a suspect in a corruption case in the provision of social assistance (bansos) for COVID-19.