The Task Force Regulates Active Cases Of COVID-19 Reaching 100 Thousand

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Wiku Adisasmito, admitted that he regretted the increase in the number of active COVID-19 cases that broke above 100,000 cases today.

More precisely, as of December 22, there were 105,146 or 15 percent of active cases. This figure increased from the previous week, namely 93,622 cases on December 15 and 85,343 cases on December 8.

"I certainly really regret this. The figure of 100,000 active cases means that there are still around 100,000 people suffering from COVID-19 in Indonesia," Wiku said in a YouTube broadcast of the Presidential Secretrariat, Tuesday, December 22.

Wiku said, the high number of active cases of COVID-19 not only reflected the high number of people who were struggling and lacking in quality handling of COVID-19.

"This also means that people are not disciplined towards health protocols. So that there is still not only transmission, but also an increase in transmission in Indonesia today," said Wiku.

Wiku emphasized that the number of active cases that exceeded 100,000 is a strong warning to the community and local government. Wiku asked regional leaders to immediately evaluate the handling of COVID-19 in their respective health facilities.

Local governments are asked to ensure that the care provided to patients is up to standard. Then, do the best handling to ensure that COVID-10 patients can recover immediately and as much as possible avoid casualties.

"If there are obstacles, immediately coordinate with the Central Task Force, so that solutions can be found immediately," he concluded.