KM Kelimutu Herding In Semarang, Evacuation Of 490 Tourists Joining Bad Weather At Karimunjawa Lancar

Hundreds of tourists trapped in bad weather in Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Regency, arrived at the Tanjung Emas Port Passenger Terminal, Semarang City, Wednesday, December 28. They were successfully evacuated safely.

The Kelimutu Motorboat (KM) owned by PT Pelni carrying hundreds of tourists docked at Tanjung Emas Port at 05.00 WIB.

A total of 490 tourists were evacuated using KM Kelimutu from Karimunjawa with details of 361 domestic tourists and 69 foreign tourists.

The arrival of the evacuated tourists was welcomed by the Acting Regent of Jepara Edy Supriyanta, Jepara Police Chief AKBP Warsono, Dandim 0719/Jepara Lt. Col. Inf. Mokhamad Husnur Rofiq, and Head of Pelni Semarang Branch Idayu Adi Rahajeng.

One of the evacuated tourists, Imam Misbah (28), admitted that he had been detained for seven days in the Karimunjawa Islands due to bad weather that had occurred since Friday, December 23.

"I should have traveled for four days or went home on Sunday (December 25), due to bad weather and high waves, no ferry operated from Karimunjawa to Jepara," said the resident of Jepara Regency.

He revealed that all the logistical needs of tourists trapped in the Karimunjawa Islands were met by the local government.

"The government response is good, we were given various facilities while waiting for evacuation. KM Kelimutu departed from Karimunjawa on Tuesday (27 December) at 22.15 WIB, should have been at 18.00 WIB," he said.

Another tourist, Zaki (25), a resident of Bandung, said that it rains almost every day in the Karimunjawa Islands. "I'm happy that I can finally return to Bandung, my family is waiting at home," he said.

Acting Regent of Jepara Edy Supriyanta who was present at Tanjung Emas Port expressed his gratitude and gratitude to all levels of the Ministry of Transportation, PT Pelni, Pelindo, and related parties.

"We also thank the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who has extraordinary support for us in repatriating hundreds of tourists from Karimunjawa," he said.

Head of the Pelni Semarang Branch, Idayu Adi Rahajeng, added that KM Kelimutu, with the Sampit-Semarang cruise route, was made by the Ministry of Transportation to help repatriate hundreds of tourists from Karimunjawa who were trapped by bad weather and high waves.

"KM Kelimutu should have come directly from Sampit to Semarang, but because there was an assignment to help repatriate tourists, so this ship was first adapted from Sampit to Karimunjawa, then to Semarang," he said.