Who Is Sakti Wahyu Trenggono Actually

JAKARTA - Sakti Wahyu Trenggono was chosen by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono replaces Edhy Prabowo who was arrested by the KPK. Previously, the man who was born on November 3, 1962 served as Deputy Defense Minister accompanying Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. Before entering politics, Trenggono studied the world of the telecommunications information industry and the business world.

The name Sakti is indeed less popular in the world of politics. He only entered practical politics when he was lined up as treasurer of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf National Campaign Team (TKN) in the 2019 Presidential Election.

The man who was born in Semarang, November 3, 1962 grew up in the world of telecommunication information industry. He started his career at PT Astra International Tbk around 1988. He was already working there even before completing his undergraduate education at the Industrial Engineering Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB).

Trenggono's work ethic has been built since he was a child. Because he has a strong desire to release his family from the trap of poverty which is used to living a life of concern in Semarang, Central Java.

Trenggono said his parents were forced to sell goats so he could continue his education at ITB. "I used to pay a tuition fee of Rp. 22,000 and had to sell seven goats," recalled Trenggono as quoted by Kompas.

After several semesters of learning, Trenggono was accepted into the Astra Basic Training program. Before being released to Astra's information technology business unit, he was schooled for six months.

Starting a career at Astra is a good thing for Trenggono. He has learned many things, from building IT infrastructure, building company culture, to developing factories.

One of the most memorable experiences for Trenggono is the relationship he built with the world consulting firm, Boston Consulting Group (BCG). "There has been a lot to learn about management change," he said.

Sakti Wahyu Trenggono worked for 11 years at Astra. His last position was Senior General Manager or director level at an Astra subsidiary.

Tower businessman

After resigning from Astra, Trenggono built his own business in the field of telecommunications infrastructure providers: towers. In 1998, he saw many conglomerate-owned corporations crushed by the economic crisis. From there he saw the opportunities that could be developed and not many people had seen.

After the 2000s, Indonesia will enter the era of mobile telecommunications technology. This can be seen from the growth of cellular operators and cellphone users. For this reason, he predicts the large need for telecommunications infrastructure development, namely towers.

Through PT Solusindo Kreasi Pratama and PT Tower Bersama Infrastruktur, Trenggono has become one of the longtime entrepreneurs in the telecommunications business. The company is the largest in its field with ownership of more than 14,000 towers.

Even though he is already wallowing in wealth, Trenggono remains modest. He even said that his goal in life is only to want to do a good job, start a professional career and benefit many people.

Tit for tat, this person who comes from a mediocre family has won the president's trust to become deputy minister. He and 11 other deputy ministers were sworn in by President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta on Friday, November 25, 2019.

Trenggono interesting facts

Close to Jokowi

Trenggono is known to be close to President Jokowi. In the 2019 Presidential Election, Sakti was trusted to be the treasurer of the Jokowi-Mar'ruf Amin National Campaign Team (TKN). He is the person who is in charge of all the finances of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin winning team.


Trenggono's business is widespread in many fields. Not only in the telecommunications sector, he also has other businesses such as property, media, and e-commerce.

Treasurer of PAN

When Hatta Rajasa became Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) for the 2009-2014 period, Trenggono was appointed as Treasurer of PAN. However, on the way he resigned.


Profile of Sakti Wahyu Trenggono

Full name

Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, MM

Nick name


Place and date of birth

November 3, 1962




Businessmen and politicians



Formal education

1986: S1 Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology

2006: S2 Magister Management Bandung Institute of Technology


1986–1992: Federal Motor Programmer and System Analyst & Development

1995–1997: Management Information System, Business Development, Astra Group Supply Chain Management

2000–2009: President Director of PT. Solusindo Kreasi Pratama

2004: Member of the School Board of the MBA School of Business Management ITB

2009: Commissioner of PT. Tower Bersama Tbk

2005–2016: Chairman of the Telecommunication Tower Infrastructure Developers Association

2010–2016: President Commissioner of PT. Investama Global Research Technology

2018: Director of Planning and Development INKUD

2018: Commissioner of PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk

2019: Deputy Minister of Defense