SMRC Survey: Decreasing Number Of People Fear Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the latest survey results regarding public sentiment regarding the pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination.

SMRC researcher, Tati Wardi explained, currently there are still many people who are afraid of contracting COVID-19, which is as much as 71 percent. However, this figure has decreased from the previous period.

"The proportion of people who are afraid of contracting COVID-19 has decreased from two months ago, namely the survey for the period 7 to 10 October by 84 percent. This figure has decreased by 10 percent from the last survey of 71 percent on 16 to 19 December," said Tati in her survey presentation. virtual, Tuesday, December 22.

Along with this, the number of people who are not afraid of the transmission of COVID-19 has increased from the previous period. Currently, there are 28 percent of residents who claim they are not afraid of the corona virus.

"The proportion of people who are not afraid of contracting COVID-19 has actually increased. The survey for the period 7 to 10 October showed 16 percent of the population was not afraid. Meanwhile, on December 16 to 19, it was 28 percent," said Tati.

This is in line with the decline in the number of people who believe that the number of COVID-19 is increasing. In the last survey, there were 64 percent of the people who believed. This figure decreased from the previous period which was 82 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of people who do not believe has increased. In the last survey, 24 percent of the population did not believe it. This figure increased from the previous period of 13 percent.

In fact, the fact is that the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is currently experiencing an increase. In one day, the national average of new COVID-19 cases reached 7,000. In fact, as of Thursday, December 3, the number of additional cases touched the number 8,369.

"In conclusion, residents who are not afraid of contracting COVID-19 at this time may be less exposed to the news about the increase in COVID-19 cases in the last two months," said Tati.

It is known, this survey was conducted in the period 16 to 19 December 2020 to 1,202 respondents. The margin of error in this survey is 2.9 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent.

The survey was conducted by contacting respondents by telephone. These respondents are people who have been surveyed in the previous period.