Son Ye Jin Shares Photos Of First Children

JAKARTA - Son Ye Jin shared a photo of her child for the first time after giving birth last November. He also thanked fans for their support and answered several things that had been busy on the internet.

Merry Christmas. How are you all? Already at the end of 2022 and I am in good condition. Thank you for your attention and support," wrote Son Ye Jin on Instagram on Saturday, December 24.

This year is a special year for my bag. As you know, a blessing came to us. This requires support from everyone so I want to thank you," he said.

Son Ye Jin also talked about the news of her birth where the baby was born in a premature condition. This also made the actress worried about her delivery.

"I'm a little worried because the baby was born early but on the other hand, I try to be born naturally and I'm grateful to be born well," he continued.

In the upload, Hyun Bin's wife thanked the hospital. The staff also helped Son Ye Jin to determine the delivery process well.

In the end, after all this emotion, I realized I had to live with gratitude that was often forgotten. Thank you to everyone around me and my fans. I can meet my baby," he continued.

I hope this Christmas will be a special day for those of you who are working hard in 2022. I am healthy and well. I hope you guys are also happy," concluded Son Ye Jin.

Through his latest photo, Son Ye Jin is seen holding two legs of his baby in black and white. This photo has been liked by two million users since its first release.

Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin's first child was born on Sunday, November 27. MSteam Entertainment as Son Ye Jin's agency confirmed this news.