NasDem Agrees With Jokowi For Cabinet Reshuffle If Not Based On Party Manuversity In Facing The 2024 Presidential Election

Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party Ahmad Ali assessed that President Joko Widodo is fine if he re-shaks or reshuffles the cabinet in the near future. According to him, it is the president's prerogative. "If Mr. Jokowi talks about reshuffle, that is his right because he has the authority, prerogative to carry out a reshuffle, meaning he can do that," he told reporters, Friday, December 23. According to him, cabinet reshuffle is a form of strengthening for the government system. So it is only natural that the minister is incompetent to be removed from his position.

However, Ali emphasized his disapproval if the reshuffle was based on the maneuvers of the party members of the governing coalition who were preparing for the 2024 presidential election.

"We always view people who are reshuffled as incompetent in carrying out their duties, so for us it has nothing to do with politics," he said.

Currently, Ali conveyed that the NasDem Party is fully committed to supporting the Jokowi government until the end of its term of office. However, if the issue of re-shaking is realized to the NasDem minister, Ali admits that his party will accept it. "That later in the middle of the road, the NasDem ministers are considered incompetent in helping the president, please replace it," he said.

"For NasDem, that commitment cannot be violated for any reason, supporting Jokowi is a commitment. So NasDem holds fast to it, like chivalrous, when he promises, his promise can be kept," continued Ali.

Previously, President Joko Widodo gave a signal that he would reshuffle the cabinet. This was conveyed when responding to the results of the Charta Politica survey regarding public views regarding the reshuffle.

This was conveyed by Jokowi after inaugurating the Ciawi and Sukamahi Dams in Bogor Regency, West Java. "Maybe," said Jokowi in response to questions related to the possibility of a reshuffle, Friday, December 23.

However, Jokowi did not reveal when he would re-shaking the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. "Yes, later," he said.