New Monggo Mas Discotheque In West Jakarta Is Permanently Closed Due To Drugs

JAKARTA - The New Monggo Mas discotheque in West Jakarta is officially closed permanently by the DKI Provincial Government. Their business license was officially revoked because it violated the provisions of the transitional PSBB and there were visitors who were positive for drugs.

Head of Satpol PP DKI Arifin said, New Monggo Mas was declared to have violated the DKI Governor Regulation Number 18 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Tourism Business.

Article 54 Paragraph (1) states that every tourism company management proven to have allowed the circulation, sale and use of narcotics and / or other psychotropic substances at the location where the tourism business is under one management is subject to direct revocation of the tourism business registration certificate (TDUP).

"New Monggo Mas is permanently sealed because it was discovered that drug use was found there. His actions were no longer preceded by a warning. So, we will revoke the business license," said Arifin at the National Monument area, Monday, December 21.

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Arifin said, initially the Jakarta Satpol PP received a report from the DKI Jakarta Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) regarding the existence of drug abuse in that location.

"We got a report that yesterday BNNP conducted an operation at the Monggo Mas Discotheque, last night, Thursday, Friday night. It turns out that he opened there," said Arifin.

During the raid, the DKI Satpol PP immediately sealed the New Monggo Mas Discotheque. Satpol PP also asked the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) to make a recommendation letter based on the revocation of business licenses.

Not only violating the rules regarding the neglect of drug abuse, New Monggo Mas was also declared to have violated the transitional PSBB rules. Because until now, the DKI Pemprov has not given a discotheque license to operate.

"Now with him opening its operational activities, it means that he has violated, violated the provisions of the health protocol, that the discotheque should not have opened yet," said Arifin.

For information, this is the second time the New Monggo Mas Discotheque has been permanently closed and its business license has been revoked due to drug abuse.

At the end of 2019, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has revoked the Monggo Mas Discotheque permit. The revocation of the discotheque business license located on Jalan Daan Mogot is a form of follow-up raids and drug findings conducted by Polda Metro Jaya.

Based on the findings of Polda Metro Jaya, it was found that visitors were identified as positively consuming drugs. In fact, during the raid, the officers also managed to catch the perpetrator who was carrying drugs, and was suspected of being a dealer.

It turns out, in early 2020, the same management registered a business license in the same location by changing the name to New Monggo Mas. When the business license was issued, the DKI Provincial Government had implemented a transitional PSBB which prohibited discotheque operations.