Not The First Time, Agam Residents Who ClosedSE Falls Free From A 10 Meter Bridge Have Ever Drinking Plant Toxic

BUKITTINGGI - Bukittinggi Police, West Sumatra evacuated and investigated a suicide attempt by an Agam resident by jumping from a 10 meter high bridge in Sungai Tanang, Agam Regency, Tuesday, December 20.According to the family, the person concerned had also attempted suicide by drinking plant poison.Wali Nagari Sungai Tanang, Feri Nata Kusuma said residents were excited by the perpetrator's action because it occurred at the Bukittinggi-Maninjau road crossing."This perpetrator is not our resident, residents complained to firefighters who were next to the scene at the beginning because they saw the perpetrators desperate to jump into the Ngarai Durian Jurang," Feri said as quoted by Antara.The Head of the Banuhampu Police, AKP Asep Wahyudi, added that the perpetrators had been evacuated from the bottom of the ravine and rushed to the hospital."Temporary information, the perpetrator with the initials DS (30) is suspected of committing an attempted suicide by jumping from the bridge, the incident was discovered by local residents and immediately evacuated, currently he is being treated intensively at the Achmad Mochtar Hospital, Bukittinggi," he said.He said the perpetrator suffered serious injuries to several parts of his body."He is in critical condition and a decrease in consciousness, while for the time being the external wound visible, namely the right leg has broken, the lips have been torn, the head has suffered injuries and is currently being helped in the ER," he said.The police chief said that the perpetrator initially came to the scene alone using a motorcycle and immediately jumped into a ravine."From a temporary examination to the family, the perpetrator had previously carried out reckless actions by drinking plant poison and also being treated, his family could not confirm the problems experienced by the perpetrators," he said.The police chief added that this incident should not be imitated by anyone, let alone try to end life."Every problem must have a solution, especially when it can be discussed with colleagues or family, don't keep it to yourself, strengthen faith," he said.