The Upakarti 2022 Award Is The Key To Empowerment Of SMEs

JAKARTA - The government appreciates the participation and collaboration of a number of parties, both individuals, institutions, and companies, who have actively empowered IKM through the 2022 Upakarti Award Award Award Award Award.

The award is the highest award in the field of industry given by the government to parties who excel and contribute to the development and development of IKM, so as to expand business opportunities and opportunities to work throughout Indonesia.

"IKM is very important because it absorbs 66 percent of the workforce in the industrial sector and is 99.7 percent of the total population of the manufacturing industry, so the policies taken by the government must lead to helping the growth of IKM," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita at a friendly event for recipients of the 2022 Upakarti Award at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Monday, December 19.

The Upakarti award is divided into two award categories, namely the category of Peloporan Service and Services.

Upakarti Service is given to individuals/institutions or organizations whose duties and functions are not carried out development and empowerment of IKM.

Meanwhile, Upakarti Jasa Keperoporan was given to medium or large-scale and domiciled companies in Indonesia that carried out the development and empowerment of SMEs through development, strengthening of links, and partnership relations with mutually beneficial principles.

Upakarti Award Recipients in each category have developed IKM at the latest in the last five years.

"The recipients of the 2022 Upakarti Award are filled with many young people. This shows that the younger generation has a sense of responsibility and high desire to improve the welfare of their respective regional economic communities, one of which is through empowering IKM," said Agus.

Agus assessed that the Upakarti 2022 Award could be an injection of encouragement for business actors who have contributed to developing Indonesian SMEs amid challenges and threats of a global crisis.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry has also taken steps to provide support to IKM in facing current challenges, namely through the implementation of a limited prohibition policy (lantas) to prevent foreign goods from flooding the domestic market, due to dumping policies in certain countries.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Industry issued Minister of Industry Regulation Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating the Value of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) for Small Industries.

This effort aims to encourage as many small industrial products as possible to enter the e-catalog.

"With this regulation, small industries can calculate the value of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) by self-assessment and reported through the National Industrial Information System (SIINAs)," said Agus.

"The small industry will get a certificate no later than five days and the entire process is free of charge," he continued.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry also provides machine and equipment restructuring facilities, makes it easier for SMEs to obtain raw materials through material centers, as well as People's Business Credit (KUR).

Through this friendly moment, Agus hopes that the recipients of the Upakarti Award can exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences.

"I believe this meeting can open wider synergy and collaboration, as well as provide positive benefits for the development of IKM in Indonesia," he concluded.